Critter Proofing - Bats

There is nothing to fear from the presence of these graceful creatures flying around your yard. Bats eat over half their weight in insects, including flies and mosquitoes, every night beginning at dusk. Action needs to be taken only if they enter your living space or come into direct contact with people or pets.

  • Bats enter buildings through cracks and spaces in and around roof overhangs, eaves, vents, windows, and boards. Inspect the exterior of your buildings and repair or screen all entry points.
  • If you suspect there are bats in your attic or other buildings, stand outside at sunset to see where bats emerge, then seal up their entrances after they leave. Avoid trying to evict bats between May and August because their young, born in late spring, are unable to fly for several months.
  • Poisons and repellent are generally ineffective and may drive bats into the living space of the house or cause them to die in the walls, creating an odor problem. Poisons and repellent are also dangerous to people and pets.
  • If a bat is found indoors and if it has had no contact with people or pets, confine it to one room, then open all doors and windows to the outside. It will eventually fly out on it's own.

For more information on bats, call the Division of Fisheries and Wildlife for a copy of the booklet "A Homeowners Guide to Massachusetts Bats and Bat Problems."